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 Politics Archive 2014

Darrell Issa gives the Census Bureau until May 1 to release documents associated with the Obamacare questionnaire changes
by Nathan'ette Burdine: April 29, 2014   Updated-April 30, 2014

According to an April 17, 2014, press release, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee, has given the Census Bureau until May 1, 2014, to submit to the committee documents associated with the Obamacare questionnaire changes.

Issa and Farenthold expressed concerns that the new questionnaire will not provide the Census Bureau with accurate data concerning how well Obamacare has been implemented over time.

Issa and Farenthold are quoted in the press release as saying, “Numerous experts from across the political spectrum claim that the census’s new measures will limit the effectiveness of the survey to measure the effects the Affordable Care Act has had on the number of people with health insurance overtime.

We have serious concerns about the timing of this revision given the purported input and approval of officials at the White House and HHS of these revamped survey questions.”

John Thompson, director of the Census Bureau, said in a statement that the questionnaire changes resulted from research and tests conducted in 2010 and 2013.

According to Thompson, the new questions will help the agency to better determine the impact Obamacare has had throughout its duration.

However, the New York Times wrote in an article that some Census officials are worried that the questionnaire changes will not have the purported effects that Thompson says it will have.

Census officials told the New York Times that the Obamacare questions were rewritten and the 2013 Census tests revealed that there were less people uninsured than expected.

Brett J. O’Hara, who is the chief of the health statistics branch at the Census Bureau, is quoted in the New York Times as saying, “We are expecting much lower numbers just because of the questions and how they are asked.”

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